Our doors may be closed….

Färgglada, runda skyltar med orden metod, inspiration, nätverk, kreativa lokaler, lyfta resultat

…. but our email boxes are always open!

When borders close and our everyday lives get more restricted, it’s important to keep our minds open. In the middle of an ongoing pandemic it can be easy to forget that ideas that can lead to new methods, services and processes are still needed for the societal challanges of today – like climate change, alienation and poverty. To develop new ideas and to find solutions for today’s problems are as pressing as it was yesterday. 

At Malmö University, we wish to promote an innovative culture even at home. Our innovation structure supports you as a researcher, student or employee when you want your research to come of use to society or when you have an idea that you wish to explore further. So if you have any questions, need someone to discuss ideas with or need support in the realization of your idea, contact Malmö Universities innovation office at innovation@mau.se.