Checklist for Sustainable Events

At Storm we wish to contribute to the sustainable development at Malmö University – by offering flexible and creative premises, offering knowledge, skills and support in relation to innovation and idea development and by communicating knowledge-intensive results at the university. 

Storm also seeks to inspire and facilitate multidisciplinary collaborations in order to find new networks where people from different subject areas and backgrounds can meet and take on real-world economic, social and/or environmental challenges.

Furthermore, we aim to set a good example, which is why we have created a sustainability policy as a guideline for our daily work here at Storm. As part of this work, we have created a checklist for how to arrange and facilitate sustainable events – which can be applicable, not only at Storm, but at the university as a whole. 

At Storm we follow the checklist to the letter and our hope is that the list can inspire to more events where the sustainability factor is a natural part of the process – from planning, execution to evaluation. 

Storm’s checklist for Sustainable events