VALS Student – Samarbeta med forskare & få betalt!

Vill du kombinera dina studier med kortare avlönade uppdrag?

På Malmö universitet finns massor av spännande idéer och forskningsresultat som väntar på att omvandlas till samhällsnytta. Nu undersöker Malmö universitets innovationsenhet, Mau innovation, intresset för att utveckla tjänsten VALS som kan bidra till att idéer och forskningsresultat från Malmö universitet, omvandlas till samhällsnytta – genom kortare samarbeten mellan studenter och forskare. Samarbeten där du som student får betalt för ditt arbete samtidigt som du samlar på dig värdefulla erfarenheter för framtiden.

Låter detta intressant? Hjälp oss att skräddarsy vårt stöd efter dina behov, genom att svara på några korta frågor i formuläret nedan.




Har du en idé du vill förverkliga?
Malmö universitet samarbetar med Drivhuset som erbjuder kostnadsfritt stöd till alla studenter på Malmö universitet. Drivhuset erbjuder bland annat rådgivning genom innovationsprocessen för entreprenörer, frilansare och entusiaster. Mer information om Drivhusets stöd hittar du här!

Välkommen att höra av dig till Joa Falke på Mau innovation om du har frågor kring vilket stöd som går att få som student, i relation till innovation och entreprenörskap på Malmö universitet!

Stormathon – Spring 2021

There is a lot of knowledge created within the walls of Malmö University. But how do we make sure that it leaves a lasting impact, and contributes to a better society?

On April 15, Stormathon was arranged at Malmö University – this time as an all-digital event. During 10 intense hours, 16 students from 16 different programs and courses, divided into 4 groups, worked together to solve a case from the collaboration platform Västra Hamnen –  Have it all. With the help from student coaches, well trained in the innovation process, the students got a chance to practice their innovation and problem-solving abilities, as well as collaborating with people outside of their field. At the end of the day, they pitched their results in front of a jury and one team was awarded a special prize.

The Stormathon innovation day was a great success thanks to a great commitment from the students, and Västra Hamnen – Have it all. The digital set-up was an advantage, during the circumstances, as it allowed for students to participate from wherever they were situated at the moment. With students spread all over the world, this enabled a greater range of participating students and the chance for the students to broaden their network.

At Storm, we believe in learning by doing, and even if compressing the innovation process to 10 hours was a challenge, it also allowed for the students to get a taste of the different steps and try out several tools for ideation and presentation. The ideas presented at the end of the day showed a wide range and were a great example of how much knowledge and creativity that exists at Malmö University. 

Natalie Gullbing, Franziska Fink, Seja Ali and Stella Kamwasir, were awarded the best idea with their concept Car-Free-Fridays! A concept which would reduce the number of cars in Västra Hamnen by offering an alternative, more sustainable transportation for free, on Fridays. Their idea aims to reduce the environmental impact and the long car cues, while still allowing for everyone to experience Västra Hamnen, without a negative effect on the mobility, environment and the economy.

7 students from Malmö University awarded The Leapfrogs scholarship!

Picture of a person writing on a whiteboard

This year, 7 students from Malmö University were awarded a scholarship of 33.000SEK from Leapfrogs, giving them the opportunity to take their innovation or business idea to the next level during the summer.

The students awarded represent three different faculties at Malmö University and their ideas include subjects such as incontinence, material-driven design, women athletes, bikes and pregnancy tests. 

The Leapfrogs project-time runs from June to August and will through workshops provide the students with skills that can be used while working on the project, as well as giving them the opportunity to interact with other students participating in Leapfrogs. 

Congratulations to all the students awarded, and the best of luck with your projects!

Sign up for Stormathon!

Banner with picture of a parking lot

On April 15, Mau Innovation and Storm Innovation Hub, in collaboration with Västra Hamnen – Have it all,  invite all students at Malmö University and Kristianstad University to an intense one-day Innovation Challange.

The concept has found its inspiration in traditional hackathons and is based on the idea of ​​creating new ideas and solutions in a short period of time, together with others. Students interested in problem-solving for societal improvement and innovation, are welcome to apply and are, thereafter, divided into dynamic teams with different competencies. All teams work with the same case throughout the day and are coached in problem-solving methodology and idea development by experienced process managers. At the end of the day, each team pitch their solution for an external client and a jury –  with great prizes for the winning concepts!

More information about the challenge here!

Sign up for Stormathon on April 15 is closed!

Open session: Get advice from an innovation advisor

Picture of three people in a workshop
IOTAP workshops

Are you curious about what counts as innovation? How to find financing for your project? How you can make entrepreneurship part of your teaching to students? Or do you just want to listen in and contribute to the discussion of impact, utilization and innovation at Malmö University?

Every Tuesday between 14:00-15:00, innovation advisors from MaU Innovation are ready for discussions through Zoom. Drop-in to ask questions related to your own work or listen in to conversations about research and education, in regards to impact, utilization and innovation. Topics discussed are everything from financing and utilization to what innovation is and what counts as knowledge assets.

Vi söker nya uppdragsgivare till vårens Stormathon!

Stormathon logo

Stormathon är en intensiv innovationsdag på Malmö universitet där tvärvetenskapliga studentgrupper tar sig an verkliga utmaningar från externa uppdragsgivare. Under dagen coachas studenterna i innovations- och problemlösningsmetodik från erfarna innovationsrådgivare och processledare på Malmö universitet och i slutet av dagen pitchar de sin lösning för uppdragsgivaren – med möjligheten att vinna fina priser.

Har er organisation eller företag ett case i behov av nytänkande lösningar? Kan lösningen bidra till ett bättre och mer hållbart samhälle? Är ni redo att låta en grupp studenter med olika utbildningsbakgrund jobba med just er utmaning under en dag?

Skicka in en kort beskrivning av ert case via formuläret nedan, så hör vi av oss. Vi tar emot uppdrag till och med den 28 februari för vårens Stormathon. 

För frågor eller mer information som rör uppdragsgivare till Stormathon, vänligen kontakta Anna Bogeskär Brandt.

Läs mer om Stormathon-konceptet och tidigare Stormathon här >>

Hemma-Hoffice är tillbaka!

Illustration av 5 olika personer som arbetar med Hoffice

Under våren bjuder Storm in till ett digitalt Hemma-Hoffice i månaden. Vi skapar ett digitalt kontorslandskap för en dag och samlas för att hitta tillbaka till ett sammanhang och till den kollegiala gemenskapen på Malmö universitet.

Vårens datum:

Torsdag 18 februari

Torsdag 18 mars

Tisdag 20 april

Hur går det till?

Dagen varvar arbetspass med pauser, vilket främjar produktiviteten samtidigt som våra andra mänskliga behov tillgodoses. Inför varje arbetspass sätter vi personliga mål för vad vi vill hinna med och arbetar distraktionsfritt mot målet under 45 minuter. Sedan följer en paus på 15 minuter. De första 5 minuterna av pausen är gemensamma och syftar till att vi tillsammans kopplar bort arbetet och tar hand om kropp och själ. De resterande 10 minuterna styr vi själva över. Kanske utnyttjar vi tiden till att småprata med någon av de andra som deltar.

Hoffice sker denna gång på Zoom och man kan komma och gå som man vill under dagen. Under arbetspassen stänger vi av ljudet men väljer själva ifall vi vill ha kameran igång.

Då Hoffice är en aktivitet för anställda vid Malmö universitet kommer Zoom-länken inte att läggas ut offentligt. Anmäl dig genom formuläret nedan så skickas en personlig Outlook-inbjudan med Zoom-länk till dig.

Dagens upplägg:

Vårt digitala Hoffice pågår mellan 09:00-16:00 men det är precis som vanligt, möjligt att komma och gå som man vill. Dagen är indelad i 6 stycken 45 minuters arbetspass och 4 stycken 15 minuters pauser, samt en längre lunchpaus på 60 minuter.

09.00 – Check-in

9.15-10.00 – Arbetspass 1

10:00 – Paus 1

10.15-11.00 – Arbetspass 2

11.00 – Paus 2

11.15-12.00 – Arbetspass 3

12.00 -13.00 – Lunch

13.00 -13.45– Arbetspass 4

13.45 – Paus 3

14.00-14.45 – Arbetspass 5

14.45 – Paus 4

15.00-15.45 – Arbetspass 6

15.45 – Ut-check

Storm’s spaces are once again open for employees and students at Malmö University!

Picture of the small room at Storm

We have adapted to the given circumstances and to ensure that Storm will remain an open and safe environment, the following changes have been made in the booking procedure:

  • Storm is open for employees and students at Malmö University, provided that the activity follows the recommendations of the Swedish authorities and the guidelines set by Malmö University, due to the outbreak of Covid-19.
  • The number of participants must not exceed 20 people.
  • Only participants connected to Malmö University are permitted (This with reference to Malmö University’s guidelines on external participation) 
  • Only one activity at a time will be allowed, which means that all of Storms spaces will be available to use during your scheduled activity. 

Please note! Following the guidelines of Malmö University, the employees at Storm are working from home. This means that the spaces at Storm are unmanned and that the support normally provided during an activity, unfortunately, can not be provided. 

With that said, we are looking forward to a new semester, filled with new challanges, new collaborations and endless possibilities – both physically and remotely.

Book Storm’s spaces here >>


Bild på en person som står på händer

The coronavirus outbreak turned this spring semester upside down in the blink of an eye. 

It has been challenging – juggling the feelings of uncertainty, fear, lack of context and the loss of physical social interaction with our colleagues. It has been instructive – exploring new possibilities, new ways to work and interact, and new ways to solve the problems we are faced with. For us, the pandemic has been a reminder of the importance of innovation, problem-solving skills and creativity and it has for sure challenged us to live as we learn here at Storm. 

The summer vacation is coming up, but we are already looking forward to the autumn semester and the new challanges and possibilities we will be faced with. We are also looking forward to welcoming two new team members to MaU Innovation and to get our highly missed team member Karolina back on Swedish soil. 

Have a great summer!

/The Storm team

Please note! No bookings of Storms spaces will be processed until August 3.

10 students from Malmö University awarded with The Leapfrogs scholarship!

Bilder på 6 av stipendiaterna

This year, 10 students from Malmö University were awarded a scholarship of 30.000SEK from Leapfrogs, giving them the opportunity to take their innovation or business idea to the next level during the summer.

The ideas, businesses and brands awarded, have a wide range and include subjects such as farming animal safety, iron-deficiency and modernized agriculture and forestry consulting. Based on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the projects aim to contribute to a more sustainable future by addressing subjects such as gender equality, sustainable cities and communities, and responsible consumption and production. 

The Leapfrogs project-time runs from June to August and will through workshops provide the students with skills that can be used while working on the project, as well as giving them the opportunity to interact with other students participating in Leapfrogs. 

Once again, congratulations to all the students awarded, and the best of luck with your projects!